When Was the Last Time That You Traveled by Charter Bus?

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Charter bus services

No matter how these young ladies fair in the next couple days, they are already proven winners. After 12 hours on charter bus, a late night two hour practice once they arrived, and getting up at the crack of dawn for another practice this morning, no one will ever doubt the winter guard’s dedication and drive to be great! In just a few hours the dressed team will board the charter bus again and go on to the national competition. And while this group is road weary and tired, they are in a far better position than the teams that arrived in crowded vans or the teams that are stuck in airports across the East coast. The benefits of bus travel on the most well appointed charters provide comfortable, affordable, and convenient options.
The decision to travel comfortably on a bus is a decision to put your comfort, your budget, and your schedule first. The opportunity travel over night in spacious seating accommodations is just one reason to take advantage of the benefits of bus travel. Knowing that you can save money on expensive air fare is another reason to travel on bus, an option that provides plenty of free luggage storage under the bus, while also providing plenty of room for keeping essentials at your seat. For large groups that are traveling on a budget, and for groups that have the time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenery, charter bus tour groups are a perfect solution.

    • Services by regular intercity bus companies pioneered steam-powered bus travel in England as far back as the 1830s.
    • Interstates are crowded, but one of the benefits of bus travel is that it cuts back on the number of cars on the road.
    • Tourism benefits from charter bus travel. In fact, a single motorcoach spending one night at a destination generates up to $11,660 for that local economy in lodging, meals, and other spending.
    • By traveling by bus, athletes can arrive at their destination well rested and ready to compete.
    • All of the benefits of bus travel are important, but the energy saving aspect is especially important. Motorcoaches are three times more efficient in reducing CO2 output when they are compared to commuter rail, and six times more efficient they are compared to transit buses.
    • Currently, motorcoaches provide over 206 passenger miles per gallon of fuel compared to 92 passenger MPG for commuter rail; 44 passenger MPG for domestic air carrier; and 27 MPG for single passenger automobiles.
    • Knowledgeable tour guides can help travelers make the most of their time on the road.
    • Approximately, 751,000,000 passenger trips are taken every year by motorcoach.
    • New roads, new detours, and other changes can be a challenge to the average driver. Travel bus drivers, however, make it their job to understand the most efficient routes.
    • Drivers for charter bus services follow a strict schedule of driving, sleeping, and rest breaks.
    • Estimates indicate that there are five times as many motorcoach terminals nationwide as there are airports, and six times as many bus terminals as there are intercity rail terminals
    • Nearly 14 million rural U.S. residents rely on motorcoaches are the only available mode of public intercity transportation service.
    • Just a trip from the hotel to the airport can be more relaxing on a shuttle bus.
    • One dollar invested in new motorcoaches generates an additional $1.65 of spending throughout numerous sectors of the economy, creating more than $1.2 billion spent on tour and travel every year.
    • You can help the environment by traveling on a charter bus.
    • Transportation choices are extremely varied, but making economical and environmentally friendly decisions is a step in the right direction.
    • How will you travel to your next destination?
    • Estimates indicate that motorcoaches account for 751 million passenger trips a year, moving more people in some years than commercial airlines.
  • Reducing the number of single car drivers on the road is an environmentally friendly goal.
  • In the majority of long-distance bus trips, females account for 55% of travel, while men account for 45%.
  • Driving is a great way to see more of the country. The decision to be a passenger on a charter bus makes the ride even more relaxing and enjoyable.
  • Each full motorcoach has the potential of removing 55 autos from the highway, reducing emissions, congestion, and energy use.

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